Choir Participation in the Choir is open to all parishioners (including younger members). The choir is an essential part of Orthodox Liturgy. We ask all who have been blessed with God-given talent to join this dedicated group. Brief rehearsals are held after Divine Liturgy on Sunday mornings.
Food Pantry Ministry We are always collecting food items that we take to a large area food pantry for distribution to the needy of our community. Canned items and dry goods are especially useful. Baby care items such as diapers and personal care and hygiene products are gratefully accepted as well. We try to take our collections to the food pantry during the final week of the month when the need is the greatest. Thank you for your support!
St Nicholas Church Church Benevolence Fund Ministry Monetary contributions to this ministry are primarily used to help those who encounter emergency and unexpected medical expenses. Much good has been done with donations to this program.
Altar Servers All young men of the parish ages 5 and up are welcomed to serve in the Altar. They must adhere to a dress code, be in good standing sacramentally, and be a regular participant of our Church School program. Older Altar servers also serve as Readers for the Hours and Epistle.
St. Marion's Sisterhood Open to all women of the parish. Raises funds through various activities (including perohi making) to help support the church; also donates to various Orthodox and non-Orthodox charities and institutions.
Adult Education Adult Education is offered on Sunday mornings before Divine Liturgy (8:40AM) from late September until May each year. The program is generally question-driven and many topics concerning church practice, theology, and current world and local events are discussed.
Church School - "The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Program" Church School is currently held from October through May before Liturgy. All school age members of the parish are expected to participate. We must raise our children with the knowledge of Christ's Holy Church so that they may thrive in the modern world with great spiritual and inner strength.
Parish Council The Council assists in guiding the church financially and physically. Council members include a Senior and Junior Warden, Recording and Financial Secretaries, Treasurer and assistant, 2 Auditors and 6 Trustees.